Web & Mobile

Case Study

Web and Web Mobile Technology and Methodologies

The Client


Rent Base helps real estate professionals to increase their revenues by saving agents and teams countless of hours managing their relationships with their landlords, listings, and tenants. Built by agents, for agents, automated tools to help streamline real estate deals and allows agents to generate more revenues from existing relationships every single day.


Building an mvp with real value for real users, providing real value for rentbase’s paying customers at day one. Recruting the best team for the job and provide flexibility for the startup on a monthly basis. Creating a very detailed description of the product structure, database, security and all customer facing systems.

The Solution

What we did

By making a detailed specification tech stack, ERD, tasks board

Defining what is the MVP goal 

We could make it happened in the time frame that was defined.


Finding a good team that can work together is not always an easy task,
For RentBase we had some bumps on the way some of the developers didn’t fit to the team and we had to replace them, 

the flexibility of changing a team member makes the team building more efficient


Detailed project plan and understanding of the business logic is mandatory,
We went through the project details creating documentations, having close connection with the client 
Made this project possible 


Leader Bio

Shalom Hadaya

A full stack developer with years of hands on experience 

Managed multiple projects
and many remote teams 

I will help you to take your project to the next level 

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